Saturday, May 3, 2014

Australia: What a Beautiful Country!

What a beautiful country we live in!
Just recently over Easter we travelled through our gorgeous Queensland countryside to get to our destination for the Easter break:  "The Head", which is at the head of the Condamine River.  Me, being me, couldn't help but keep clicking my camera and capturing the beautiful surrounds. (Don't worry, I was the passenger!)  I must have taken a hundred photos before we arrived, I reckon! LOL :) Below is a typical photo on our journey.  You must admit, it IS beautiful!
"Dear God,
Thank you for such a beautiful country and I thank you it was in your plan for me to be born and bred here"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spring Lake, Springfield Lakes

 Spring Lake has so many faces -I took these two shots on different days while on our walks. I may upload some more at a future date. It's such a lovely lake to walk around- what a lovey way to exercise!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our beautiful boy is growing!

A few weeks ago we went to Newcastle for a few days so that we could celebrate our grandson's first birthday & Naming Ceremony with the rest of the family. We had a truly lovely time! Look how much Reyn has grown!! He just keeps growing! What a beautiful little boy he is & so happy & contented. These photos were taken two days after his birthday on the morning of his Naming Ceremony.
As usual we miss him - but it's getting harder & harder because he keeps getting cuter & blessed we are to have him in our lives. Thank you God for giving us this bundle of joy in our lives & thank you that you are taking care of him & keeping him safe in every aspect. Thank you that your angels have charge over him - watch every move he makes & protect him.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

God wants to spend time with us!

From my journal:
Psalm 5:3b "I say this prayer to you Yahweh, for at day break you listen for my voice & at dawn I hold myself in readiness for you, I watch for you" (Jerusalem Bible)
This makes me feel & realise just how much I'm letting God down by not spending time with Him every morning. It says here in His Word that He "listens for my voice at daybreak" Think about how amazing that is..... the God who created everything - the world, the universe, people of all nations, gravity....the God who keeps it all in place - who has angels that bow at His feet & follow every command to the letter - who has His beloved, only son Jesus seated next to Him - and yet - He still 'listens for MY voice at day break'
He wants me to tell Him all about my world & wants me to ask for His help! He also wants my praise & adoration & love! Can you believe that?! What an amazing revelation. Surely this should not only humble me but make me realise how much He loves me & convict me to spend more time with Him!
"My wonderful Heavenly Father, how amazing is your love! Thank you for loving me so very much & for caring about me & my life. Please help me to grasp this & help me to make time to spend with you as I know when I do, it is a truly wonderful time. Amen"
This word is not just for me you know. God does not have favourites. His Word, the Bible, is as much for you as it is for me. The wonderful God of the universe listens for YOUR voice at day break too. Think about that for a moment & spend time with Him. Just talk to Him like you would your own father or your best friend or spouse. You won't regret the time you take to spend with your God. Trust me, I know!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Two of my favourite boys!

Just had to share this photo with you - two of my favourite boys having fun on Woolloongong Beach NSW. That's my wonderful man Pete with our gorgeous grandson, Reyn. I love this photo! I've only just discovered it on my step-daughter's facebook album. I wasn't on that trip as I had to work, but Pete, Rach & Reyn went to visit Pete's grandmother who hasn't been well & while they were there had some play time on the beach.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

10th Wedding Anniversary

It was our 10th wedding anniversary last November & since then I have been wanting to write a post about it, but only just getting around to it now!

Ten years! How that time has flown! So very much has happened in the last ten years it's hard to imagine that so much can go on in that time. It has certainly been a journey that's for sure & it is by God's grace (His unmerited favour) that we have come through & getting stronger with each passing day.

We bought this beautiful 'Willow Tree' figurene to commerate the occassion, which is simply named "Anniversary". I love the way the couple is sitting as if they are one, but yet still two individuals. It captures the essence of marriage perfectly - two individuals that become one but still individuals in their own right. At least, that's what marriage is meant to be.

We should never lose our identity or individuality but should also consider ourselves as one entity. I find it interesting how as a couple we have friends but as individuals we have different friends. It's also wonderful how that my friends & Pete's friends became 'our' friends.

Enjoy being one with your spouse/partner & always consider him/her in all decisions that are made, because what one does affects the other, because you're a couple. But...don't lose you....continue those hobbies & interests you enjoy. Nurture those friendships you had as a single and embrace the new friendships you make as a couple. Go out & have fun with your friends on your own & enjoy the company of friends together.

Probably the best thing I love about being married is having a permanent companion. When I was single I would have to find a friend who wanted to travel with me or go away on holidays with me, but as a married woman, I always know who I will have vacations with - my wonderful man. We can plan together for the future while we share each day in the present. It's wonderful sharing the little every-day events with someone who loves me & ultimately cares very deeply about my world. I love sharing my life with Pete. Thank you God for giving me a man who loves me despite all my faults (that's the other best thing I love about marriage) Pete has seen the best & the worst of me - and yet continues to love & respect me. Praise God!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

More encouraging words

Here are some more encouraging words from another friend of mine regarding this blog page:

"Have enjoyed reading your blog. What a talented lady you are! I hope you keep a journal as I reckon you could write an awesome devotional. I found your words about your new candles so encouraging."

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Facebook | My Photos - My Year - 2009

Facebook My Photos - My Year - 2009: ""

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Beginning

A new year has begun!
My two candles that I burn during my quiet times were all burnt out & bent when I went to light them yesterday (New Year's Day) so I took them away & replaced them with two brand new ones. I lit them & thought how lovely they looked - how clean & shiny & perfectly shaped - & then it hit me - I was lighting two brand new candles on the first day, on my first quiet time in a brand new year!
That wasn't planned, it just 'happened' that way, but I started to wonder if that was one way my wonderful Heavenly Father was telling me that 2009 is past & gone forever & we can start anew now the new year has begun.

As I sat there & looked at my candles I couldn't help but think how tall & straight the flames were burning. They seemed so bright & strong & were barely moving - no flickering like the old ones. Tall, strong, bright & stable....

That's what I need to be this year...
God has given me a brand new job & a brand new year & He wants me to make it count & wants me to be the person He created me to be.
Last year (2009) was really tough: physically, emotionally & mentally, but this is a new year full of new beginnings & hopefully I'm stronger & better for all the trials that 2009 brought. I've learned to trust God more & know beyond a doubt that God knows what He's doing with my life & I know it all works out better in the long run.

If I forget those lessons learned last year, it will all be in vain, but if I remember & build on them & love & trust God more & spend time with Him, then like the candles, I can start this year strong, tall, bright & unwavering, because God & me together make a great team.

When I look at those candles burning during my quiet times this year, I will be reminded that it's a new year full of new beginnings & that I need to remember that God is control & I'm to trust Him fully.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Encouraging Words

Below is a comment that a lovely friend wrote to me in Faecbook, regarding this blog page. It has encouraged me so much! Thank you my dear friend...

"I just read through your blog page. It is really beautiful. The photos and words are a true reflection of the beautiful woman of God who you are and who I am honored to call my friend. Your words tonight have lifted my spirits after a difficult few days. Thank you. xx

Monday, October 19, 2009

Time with my big sister

Pete & I are having a lovely break in Toowoomba with my sister & her partner. Saturday morning they treated us out to a lovely breakfast (left) & then Rhonda & I (right) went shopping (for groceries) while Marion & Pete went home to relax (and Pete also called in on a client)

It has been a really good break for us - just relaxing & vegging out & having quality time with family. Rhonda & I also enjoyed a few walks with their gorgeous dog Molly in two of many lovely parks here in Toowoomba. As I mentioned in a post below, the little things mean the most & you don't have to do anything spectacular to enjoy your time. You don't have to always be 'doing' something to enjoy time with those you love. The simple things like eating breakfast out (and getting shouted!) and then walking the dog & chatting with my sister while enjoying the park atmosphere (and getting some exercise) has been awesome.

Goodbye Again

Our traditional photo of the 3 of us.
Well we've said goodbye again to our gorgeous little boy! They've been gone for just over a week now & needless to say we are missing them so much - especially Reyn. Every time I see a photo of him I just want to pick him up & give him a big cuddle & kiss!
My favourite photo here is on the left - I think I laughed & Reyn looked at me and smiled just as the shutter clicked on the camera. To me that makes it more personal - I like to think he loves his Safta....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's the Little Things that Mean the Most

I had a wonderful day @ Southbank Parklands with my grandson Reyn & step-daughter Rachel yesterday. We enjoyed walking around the parklands & having lunch but best of all we all enjoyed our time in the water. My step-son Brad & his girlfriend joined us for a little while too.
When one is older (me) one appreciates the simple things in life - the little things. You've probably heard that before, I know I certainly have, but it really is the truth! I have fond memories of my time yesterday just walking around the parklands & then swimming in the pool there. What fun I had bouncing my grandson up & down in the water & getting so much delight from his precious little giggles & huge smiles. Even getting a parking ticket ($50!!) which really hurt badly can't take away my fond memories & the joy I received, sharing a swim with my grandson.
I also have two more very fond memories of this visit that I will hold close to my heart:
1) For the second time since he was born, Reyn fell asleep in my arms this morning & that to me was very precious.
2) The other night I was typing on my computer when suddenly I felt a kiss on my cheek & when I looked up, there was Rach standing there with a big, bright, happy smile on her face! That was a beautiful moment for me. We then went on to have a lovely chat.
So to get back to my original thought: "it's the little things, the simple things, that mean the most"
Don't let them pass you by un-noticed.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Best Place to Be

You know, I come home from a busy, demanding day at work & think that I just want to relax in the recliner & watch my favourite shows on TV & in the back of my mind I keep thinking that I should go & spend time with my God, 'cause I didn't get time before going to work. Eventually I pull myself up in the middle of a program & go to my quiet room. I light my candles, put on my rock-wall water feature, push play on the CD player that has Michael W. Smith praise & worship & sit in semi-darkness waiting on God after reading a devotions... What bliss! What peace, what rest! Why do I not make more effort to be in God's presence? There is no better place to be! And when I raise my hands in worship & sing to Him, I feel His presence & my fingers & hands tingle, (that's always how I know His anointing is present - it's been like that for years now) & I cry in His presence and love Him and know He loves me.
My dear, wonderful Father in heaven, how great thou art! There is none like you and no-one can touch my heart like you do. You are my best friend, my Lord, my saviour, my redeemer, my salvation, my rock, my foundation. You are my hope, my joy, my strength & with you I can do all things.
Dear God you are worthy of my praise, you are worthy of my trust, you are worthy of my love & you are worthy to be obeyed & worshipped.
You are to me all things and I am NOTHING without you, but WITH you I am capable of whatever it is you need me to be or do.
Make me a channel of blessing, Lord. Use me to lead the lost in my world to you.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My apologies

I am shocked to see how many hits my blog has had since I was in here last! My sincere apologies to those of you who have been checking it out...I have been so busy with work & because of the intense work all day on the computer, I haven't been able to face a computer once I arrived home. Also, I had no idea of what to please forgive me & please keep checking my blog - I will endeavour to write more posts.
Thank you for caring!

My grandson is back!

My grandson is back for a visit & needless to say I am thrilled about it. There is nothing like the joy of a child to give us a lift. I have always found that...even many years ago when my nieces & nephew were little. If I was feeling down or upset, just to hold them would help me forget the woes of the world & make me feel loved.

Reyn, his mum Rachel & I had an easy day in the park today & I feel quite relaxed now after having a stressful thank God for children! Any little thing they do is special & we love it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Goodbye Photo

Well, the time came to say 'good-bye' to our little boy & our daughter of course. I've made it a tradition that every visit we take this photo of the three of us not long before we say our goodbyes. Reyn is going back home to be re-united with his Grandma in Newcastle...this was their first stint of not seeing each other every day since he was born! Rachel said she's interested to see how Reyn re-acts when he sees her again. As for us, we will text Rach, phone, pray for them & look forward to the next time..because there will, God willing, always be a next time. We have had a wonderful time & our little boy knows us that little bit better now. Praise God for bringing such a wonderful bundle of joy into our lives to love & enjoy & for giving us the huge responsibility of being a Godly influence in his life...we can only hope & pray we will be just that!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Highlight of my day!

I had a visitor at work today! A very special grandson Reyn & my step-daughter, Rachel. They have flown up from Newcastle to spend a few days with us, so on their way home to our place, they popped in to say 'hello' to Safta at work. Being on late shift Reyn was asleep when I arrived home, so I'm so glad they called in.
I love my little boy & have missed him so much! Believe me I will be making the most of their time here.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Birthday

I celebrated my birthday a few weeks ago. It was a good excuse to have a couple of days away because we're always too busy & if I hadn't suggested we should make the most of Pete not having a wedding & my birthday being a Sunday, we wouldn't have done anything special.... so I jumped on the internet a couple of days before & snapped up a special deal at Outrigger Twin Towns.. For tea we found this lovely little restaurant around the side of one of the buildings in Coolangatta... Mumtaj..
They had some great specials & we arrived at 6.50pm, so just in time to get the "$10.95 all curries before 7pm." It was hard choosing what to have because they all read delicious, but we finally decided on..

Coconut rice, Nan bread, Vindaloo Lamb (hot) and Butter Chicken (mild) and boy was it delicious! We did a good job of mopping up the curry with the Nan bread so nothing was left!

Next morning we enjoyed a hot buffet breakfast which was part of the special & enjoyed our balcony before leaving to have a look at the shops in Coolangatta. I then decided (seeing as it was my birthday) that I would like to go to Point Danger which was just a few mins drive up the hill, to have a bit of lunch & look around..
But we didn't end up having lunch there because the prices at the Cafe were far too we just enjoyed the scenery for a bit & took a couple of photos..

We were taking a photo of ourselves by holding out the camera, when a lovely, older lady jumped out of her van & asked if we would like her to take a photo for us. I'm so glad she did because I really like this photo & it's the only one of the two of us to commerate my birthday.So...where to have lunch...I opted for fish & chips & I knew a great place to have the other end of the Gold we drove to The Spit at Soutport & ordered fish & chips at a very popular spot there...
and shared chips with the seagulls that were hanging around...