Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's the Little Things that Mean the Most

I had a wonderful day @ Southbank Parklands with my grandson Reyn & step-daughter Rachel yesterday. We enjoyed walking around the parklands & having lunch but best of all we all enjoyed our time in the water. My step-son Brad & his girlfriend joined us for a little while too.
When one is older (me) one appreciates the simple things in life - the little things. You've probably heard that before, I know I certainly have, but it really is the truth! I have fond memories of my time yesterday just walking around the parklands & then swimming in the pool there. What fun I had bouncing my grandson up & down in the water & getting so much delight from his precious little giggles & huge smiles. Even getting a parking ticket ($50!!) which really hurt badly can't take away my fond memories & the joy I received, sharing a swim with my grandson.
I also have two more very fond memories of this visit that I will hold close to my heart:
1) For the second time since he was born, Reyn fell asleep in my arms this morning & that to me was very precious.
2) The other night I was typing on my computer when suddenly I felt a kiss on my cheek & when I looked up, there was Rach standing there with a big, bright, happy smile on her face! That was a beautiful moment for me. We then went on to have a lovely chat.
So to get back to my original thought: "it's the little things, the simple things, that mean the most"
Don't let them pass you by un-noticed.

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