Sunday, June 28, 2009

God is faithful and worthy of our trust

Just recently I framed this photo of me and I have it in my special room where I go to be quiet. Every time I thought of my life up until the present, I would picture this photo in my mind and think of that little 4 year old who was excited to be going for a swim and she had her entire life ahead of her. She was so cute and innocent and hadn't been hurt yet by that big world out there. So, I decided to print and frame it, so that every time I looked at it I would be reminded of God's goodness to me. Following is an entry I wrote in my journal during my quiet time and it was after this entry that I organised to frame this photo...

"Today I've been thinking of how God has always been there for me. I've been looking back and reflecting on my life - from that excited little four year old through to this 49 year old woman. My wonderful God has been with me the entire time - every second of every day of every year. He has led and guided me even when I didn't realise.

All along He has had a plan and quietly and patiently shaping and moulding me while He takes care of his little girl. My God knows and understands me so well and He gently helps me and shapes me to be the person He's planned. I look back and see how He has kept and protected me and made good out of mistakes I have made.
Step by step He has trained me for the next phase in my life. He has prepared me for that next chapter. He knows and understands me so very well and He LOVES me!

"All to Jesus, I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live. I surrender all - I surrender all. All to thee my precious Saviour, I surrender all"

I was 15 years old and was singing that hymn as I nervously walked towards the baptisimal in my church. A friend, who was also being baptised that day, had just said to me "I don't know if I'm ready to do this!" and I was shocked and didn't know what to say. It also made me think for a split second "Am I ready and willing to go through with this? This is serious stuff - I'm telling God and committing to Him my whole life! My entire future - telling Him and promising Him I'm letting Him take it and use it and I'll follow Him where He leads! What if He sends me to the mission fields overseas?! I don't want to be a missionary! Can I trust Him to look after me?"

But I knew that it was the right thing to do - that Jesus was baptised and if He did it I should do it too - and in my heart of hearts I knew He would do what was best for me. I had given my life to Him 12 mths prior and this was a public declaration of that, but to me it was also the next step in committing EVERYTHING to Him.

Now 34 years later I look back and see how that WITHOUT GOD I AM NOTHING and that it's HIS GRACE that has seen me through and can see how my life has been so good and wonderful, because of HIM!"

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